Easter Clean-up Pop-up Event 2023

Easter Clean-up Pop-up Event 2023

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It was great to have the Easter Clean-up back on our calendar after a hiatus.

It’s always been such an enjoyable event for families, collecting litter and exploring the shorelines – some of our little helpers get side tracked by the crabs, but this is all part of what makes it fun.

It was a good turnout, thanks to our locals, families, scouts and a walking group who pitched in around the Ambury Foreshore, the Kiwi Esplanade and Creamery Road with about 40 people in total came along.  We were all well rewarded with a sausage sizzle and Easter egg hunt and a huge pile of waste that has been saved from ending up in our waterways.

We really wanted to promote people taking care of their streets and stopping the rubbish from getting into the drains. Although the uptake on this wasn’t great this year, we did have an amazing mother daughter team, who cleaned up 5 streets in their neighbourhood.  What they found most surprising was the number of positive comments they received from people who saw them doing this important mahi. They also didn’t realise until they started just how much rubbish was lying about.  We chatted about it and wondered; how can we get more people involved to take pride in their streets.  One comment was that we should do it regularly, so people see this positive action happening and may decide to be part of the solution, as in helping or just not dropping it in the first place. 


Our next event is a POP UP Clean-up on the 7th May, starting at the GAS petrol station from 9 to 11.30am.

Keep an eye on our website or Facebook page, event details coming soon.

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