Keen gardeners gathered on Sat April 15 2023 at the community orchard to complete some autumnal maintenance including weeding out kikuyu grass, pruning the espaliered apple trees, collecting feijoas and thinning the vigorous harakeke bushes. They also filled the new raised garden beds with manure and mulch and carried out some general garden maintenance.
Golden Queen peach stones will be planted into the new raised beds to provide rootstock for
grafted heritage trees.
Bags of feijoas were dropped off to the local community pātaka kai for locals’ enjoyment.
The volunteers finished an afternoon of satisfying work with a cuppa and some feijoa cake.
The next orchard working bee is on Saturday 10 June, 2-4pm.
More Community Orchard articles
- 2024 Volunteer Celebration and Thank You
- Autumn Orchard Working Bee – Mulching, Weeding and Feeding
- Locals learn grafting & cutting at community orchard workshop
- Friends of the Farm turns 10!
- FoF Community Orchard Working Bee April 2022
- Grafting progress for heritage tree project
- Caroline and Jane: Everyday Māngere Bridge heroes