2024 Volunteer Celebration and Thank You
Over 60 locals gathered recently to celebrate the end of another year of working together to make Mangere Bridge a caring, connected, wastewise community.
Got Any Blisters? I mean Blister Packs…
Battery and blister pack collections are growing steadily each month as more of our community become aware of the service at the library. Be sure to tell your friends and family…
Papua New Guinea Pidgin Language Week Celebration
Recently Mangere Bridge Library held a special event to celebrate the first Papua New Guinea (PNG) Pidgin Language week. PNG is the most linguistically diverse country in the world and Pidgin is a commonly used dialect.
We Love Libraries!
These days, libraries are vibrant places that are the centre of communities. In addition to books and magazines, they offer activities to suit every age group, from babies and preschoolers’ music sessions to school holiday programmes to computer assistance for older adults…
It’s a Stitch-Up!
The Mangere Bridge Library Knitting Group was formed 12 months ago and has grown since to include a variety of handwork, such as crochet, cross stitch, and felting. It’s more accurately known as the ‘Craft Group’…
Our 8th Repair Café
Repairs, lambs, yummy treats and community spirit abounded at our 8th Repair Café…
Making Community Connections
Thanks to the variety of local community events and workshops, many new connections are made. Here are only a few…
Family Fun as 100’s enjoy our Matariki Lantern Walk 2024
Friends of the Farm hosted another very successful Matariki lantern walk over the weekend. More than 250 people enjoyed bangers, lantern building, an adventure walk under a starry night and hot chocolate!
Tonnes of eWaste Collected – Māngere Bridge eWaste Day 2024
Nearly five and a half tonnes of e-waste was collected on Sat 6 April at Friends of the Farm’s latest recycling initiative…
Fixing to fix, repair with care – Māngere Bridge Repair Café
Bikes, lamps, clothing, pillowcases, books, soft toys, heaters, timers, scissors, knives, loppers, tablets and fans were among the items brought back to life at our Repair Café.