(This article about this website appeared in our 4th issue of our physical newsletter September 2022)
A new website aims to connect locals and visitors with everything Māngere Bridge has to offer.
Māngere Bridge is a vibrant, diverse and busy community.
There are various ways people can connect to what is happening in our neighbourhood, such as through Facebook pages, the community notice board, our wonderful library, face-to-face, and posters in shop windows.
However there is not one place where we can go to find out all that is on offer.
It’s all about Māngere Bridge
To help fill this gap, Friends of the Farm have developed a website called ‘It’s all about Māngere Bridge’, and we are delighted to officially launch it to our community.
Waiho i te toipoto, kaua i te toiroa.
This whakataukī speaks to the importance of keeping connected, of maintaining relationships and dialogue so that we can keep moving forward together.
Let us keep close together, not wide apart.
We invite you to participate in its ongoing development to make it a successful tool for us all.
One of the site’s key functions is to connect people to our place and what is happening within it. We would love you to share your stories, and tell us about your events, sports clubs, local groups, activities, classes, opportunities, and even promote your local business.
Free events calendar
We have also developed a calendar, where locals can add events, hui (meetings), classes, important dates, sports club registrations – any event you would like the community to participate in or know about.
Give it a go!
The best part is you can add your events to the calendar yourself. It’s simple and straightforward. Photos, PDFs and images – plus all the detail you need to give our community the necessary information – can be easily added by completing a form on the website.
Please give it a go. We are ready to help if needed.
We look forward to hearing your feedback, so we can work together to make the new site an incredible asset where locals, and visitors to ‘the Bridge’, can see all that is on offer.
Check out the new site at www.aboutmangerebridge.nz and let us know your thoughts.