It’s late summer and we will be running a pruning workshop and working bee.
Brian will share his pruning skills with anyone wanting to learn, bring your sharp secateurs, or pruning saws.
Otherwise we will be mulching and having a general tidy up.
Come along and celebrate as we visit our Orchard and growing Food Forest right next door and give the bigger trees some TLC.
Tucked away in a quiet corner of Ambury Farm off Wallace Rd, the orchard has been home to a grove of feijoa trees for many years and continues to be cared for and extended by community volunteers to include a wide range of other fruit trees for all to enjoy.
Work often includes the following;
Friends of the Farm run regular working bees at the orchard, helping you connect with this wonderful resource.
Wear sturdy footwear and gloves are a good idea.
Hope to see you all there.