Over 60 locals gathered recently to celebrate the end of another year of working together to make Mangere Bridge a caring, connected, wastewise community.
Organised by Friends of the Farm (FOF) it followed a well-attended working bee in the community orchard where the trees and plants were mulched and tidied up ready for the summer.
Ambury Farm Ranger and FOF Chair Janine thanked the volunteers who tirelessly put their time and energy into the Farm and Mangere Bridge community. Many of those present have been volunteers for more than ten years.
Janine described how the Mangere Bridge area has always been productive and fruitful and valued for its fertile volcanic soil and climate and as a place that people have gathered and worked together to enhance the place they live. Mangere Bridge has always had a wonderful sense of community and continues to this day. She then shared some of the activities and roles volunteers have been doing over the last 12 months. “We’ve been busy with bait lines, beach cleanups, bin stations, taking care of friendly farm animals, cardboard deliveries to the orchard, fruit pickers, orchard workers, rubbish picker-uppers, bbq cleaners and sausage sizzlers, food scrappers, repairers, hosting the web page, writing stories, educating about waste, event organisers, gardeners, running the recycling hub at library, we knit and sew, pull mangroves, tend rat traps, monitor birds, bakers and lantern makers.
Ambury Farm Ranger Millie led a karakia then the volunteers enjoyed some kai and drinks.
Local Judith says “It’s so lovely to get us all together to share kai and chat, and make connections with each other and acknowledge the mahi we do to make this such a special place to live. The orchard looked a real treat thanks to our wonderful orchard kaitiaki”.
Later on young local Annie played her ukulele and sang for the crowd. She said she was happy to entertain as it was good practice for her upcoming performance at school in the Talent Quest. Good luck Annie!
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