Throw Away?  No way!  Repair Café!

Throw Away?  No way!  Repair Café!

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Friends of the Farm (FoF) recently joined Māngere Bridge Library to hold a Repair Café in the Library one Saturday morning.

Repair Cafés are free events where local people bring in their broken or damaged items and local volunteers do their best to repair them.  This reduces waste, saves money and builds community appreciation. 

The Library was an ideal location as it is a community hub with enthusiastic and supportive staff and already onboard with FoF recycling initiatives.  Expert guidance was provided by Brigitte Sistig and her team at Repair Cafe Aotearoa NZ who facilitate community groups around NZ.

On the day, bike enthusiasts Gabb & Jack set up in the forecourt and was kept busy fixing and adjusting bikes.  Inside the Library, electricians Mark Swords (Mark Swords Electrical) and Patrick Miller (Applied Electrical) worked on a range of small appliances.  Laptop and cell phone experts John Webster and Richard Creagh dealt with a wide range of technology queries. 

Robyn Martin from FoF mended woollen items, while Librarian Irene Tufuga repaired books.  Cheryl Carron and Sepali Naus brought along their sewing machines and mended clothing.

Celesté and Schalk Fourie from CSF Knives collected the knives, gardening shears and lawnmower blades and took them away to be sharpened and returned to the Library.  

The Library staff set up a refreshment area with hot or cold drinks and snacks of fruit, home baking and dips.  

Meanwhile, locals were using the Library with the usual Saturday morning activities of a Justice of the Peace and baby and toddlers music session. 

An additional visitor was Nimi Bedi of  Climate Change Action Catalysts.    Nimi said,” The Repair Café concept fits so well with the kaupapa of climate change”.  

 “It’s been a great success”, said organiser Carolyn Robinson.  “We’ve had a good turnout of locals.  Thanks to our wonderful Library staff and our hard working expert volunteers.  Special thanks to our local restaurant Phnom Penh for giving the volunteers a free hot drink.”

Friends of the Farm has partnered with Auckland Council for ten years to deliver education and waste reduction services.

Story by Robyn Martin for Friends of the Farm

Friends of the Farm – About Māngere Bridge

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