Sunshine. outdoors, working bee, tree planting , sausage sizzle…..
It was a sunny mid-May Sunday when around 100 people young and old gathered at Ambury Regional Park to do some planting in the salt marsh foreshore meadow.

Ranger Dani gave a safety briefing then demonstrated the best way to plant to ensure the new plants thrived. A variety of flaxes, shrubs and trees flax, cabbage tree, carex virgata, umbrella sedge and salt marsh ribbonwood) were planted. This was the first of 5 planting days organized by Auckland Council.

One volunteer recalled planting trees 12 months ago in an adjacent area and was thrilled to see how the new planting had flourished. “It really is satisfying to see the difference this planting makes” she said. “I feel proud and inspired to do more when I see how much better this area looks as the trees grow”.

Approximately 2200 plants were planted over the three hour working bee.
After the planting local wastewise group Friends of the Farm provided a sausage sizzle to thank the volunteers for their time and efforts. They also reminded people about the new Food Scraps collection being rolled out throughout Auckland.
The new Food Scraps bins were on display and people were interested to find out more. Click here to visit our dedicated page to find out all about the new Food Scraps collection program.

The next tree planting working bees are on 21st and 27th May, 11th and 18th June . Click here to visit our Event Calendar to find out more about tree planting at Ambury Regional Park.

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