Category: Community Orchard
That’s just peachy!
What do you do when you have masses of ripe peaches? Put the word out to see who wants some! A Heritage peach tree in Mangere Bridge had a bumper crop this year so the tree owner asked who wanted some.
2024 Volunteer Celebration and Thank You
Over 60 locals gathered recently to celebrate the end of another year of working together to make Mangere Bridge a caring, connected, wastewise community.
Autumn Orchard Working Bee – Mulching, Weeding and Feeding
Pruning, collecting & harvesting, thinning, weeding, digging, filling, sharing, enjoying and eating.
Locals learn grafting & cutting at community orchard workshop
What a beautiful afternoon we enjoyed, an enthusiastic group, gathered under the shade of the feijoa trees.
FoF Community Orchard Working Bee April 2022
New fruit trees, a food forest, yummy home baking. Just some of the great things happening at our local Community Orchard.
Grafting progress for heritage tree project
An update from our Community Garden with great successes in grafting.
Caroline and Jane: Everyday Māngere Bridge heroes
Wastewise heroes who find time in their busy lives to make a meaningful contribution to our Community.