What do you do when you have masses of ripe peaches? Put the word out to see who wants some!
A Heritage peach tree in Mangere Bridge had a bumper crop this year so the tree owner asked who wanted some.
FOF member Robyn took 4 kg and made jam, stewed some for the freezer for breakfast and desserts and made a peach tart with the rest.

She will put some of the jam in the Pataka Kai, give some to the tree owner and keep a jar for herself.
Peach jam is the taste of summer!
Sharing produce like this reduces waste, saves money and spreads community connections.
Best of all scions (or cuttings) from this heritage tree will be budded at the “budding “workshop on Saturday 1st March from 4-6pm at the Community Orchard.

This means future generations will enjoy the summer peach harvest. And don’t forget the pigs at Ambury Farm Park who enjoyed a special treat of windfall peaches!

More Community Orchard articles
- That’s just peachy!
- 2024 Volunteer Celebration and Thank You
- Autumn Orchard Working Bee – Mulching, Weeding and Feeding
- Locals learn grafting & cutting at community orchard workshop
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- FoF Community Orchard Working Bee April 2022
- Grafting progress for heritage tree project
- Caroline and Jane: Everyday Māngere Bridge heroes